Ok, so it's not a single family home, it's a condo. Well, it's not a condo either, it's a PUD (Planned Unit Development). That was a very important distinction during escrow. Had it been a condo instead of a PUD, we wouldn't have been able to get a loan because of new restrictions. But by the grace and abundant provision of God, we bought our first home. Let me tell you, if you ever want your faith stretched or want to learn how to trust God more, buy a foreclosed house and go through escrow in this market. It was a huge learning experience!
When we started looking seriously with a realtor back in June, we prayed for a fixer on the east end of Ventura, and that's exactly what we got! It has 3 bedrooms, two baths, a yard, a laundry room and a two car garage. The catch is...it's a disaster on the inside. The slideshow below is how the house looked when we made an offer. After closing escrow on Friday, Chris and a bunch of our wonderful friends had "Demo Day" on Saturday. A lot of the inside is torn apart now, on it's way to being fixed up. This house is going to be a labor of love, and we're so excited to have a place to call our own. God has provided so much for us already to make that happen. I'm trying to document the whole remodel process, so stay tuned for more updated photos.