I recently heard a pastor on the radio speaking about having a right perspective versus having a right picture. A right perspective is fixing our eyes on eternity, seeing things as God sees them and not getting hung up on the temporary. A right picture is like a photograph, a snapshot. It may look great, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Just because we can put on a smile and take a beautiful picture, doesn't mean we have the perfect life. None of us have that. I've been confronted with this lately as I look at so many wonderful pictures friends have posted on blogs or fb. Of course we want to put our best foot forward and share the happy moments of our lives, I'm no different. You'd probably rather see a picture of my smiling, happy daughter instead of how she looks when she's super cranky and it's way past bed time. Or (gasp!) me when I first wake up. So in light of all this, here are my pictures for this post.
The first ones are of our living room before we moved in.

And here is a picture of what it looks like now, the snapshot. (I had to wait until naptime so I could straighten up before taking the picture.)

However this is the reality. Frumpy pillows, a coffee table covered with preschooler accessories and things strewn on the couch. Although it's not as picture perfect as above, I still feel so blessed to call this my home.

"O Lord, you are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; you maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes I have a good inheritance."
Psalm 16:5,6