Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Once again Easter was a busy holiday for us. After 4 services at church, we headed out of town to see lots of family. It was a lot of fun and a little tiring.

First, Ali and Hannah got to decorate sugar cookies with sprinkles the week before.

Hannah in her Easter dress. She didn't get to do an egg hunt this year, I just made her stand in the backyard and hold her basket.
Hannah got to see all her cousins on this trip, including new baby Kinley who was born on April 2. I don't have pics of her with Stellan or Preston because I forgot my camera when we went to their house, but the girls had a good time playing dress-up.
Hannah with Jenna, the new big sister.

1 comment:

amesigee said...

I love the "cheers" photo! Ali had such a great time with you that day. I gave her a cookie yesterday and she asked if it was a "Hannah cookie". It took me a while to realize she was asking if it was one of the cookies you sent home that evening!