Thursday, September 4, 2014

God's Faithfulness

To keep you all up to speed on the happenings with our move and this crazy adventure...
We closed escrow on August 8! We are currently renting back our home until the end of September. I am packing up what I can, but it can be challenging when you have a toddler who wants to "help."
In August, Chris was encouraged by a pastor friend to contact the local Calvary Chapel pastors in the  Central Coast area to touch base and share our story of God's call to move. So Chris contacted both Bryan Stupar (Calvary Chapel SLO) and Jack Arnold (Shoreline Calvary Chapel in Morro Bay).
Chris emailed Jack on a Wednesday evening. That same evening, Jack was meeting with the elders of his church and they collectively decided they needed to actively start looking for a Worship Pastor. When Jack got in to his office on Thursday morning, there was Chris' email. Chris and Jack talked on the phone that Friday and Chris led worship at Shoreline the following Sunday when we were in the area to attend a family wedding and look for a place to live.
After some more conversations and prayer, Chris accepted a part-time position as worship pastor at Shoreline beginning mid October! We are excited to have some more direction and to join the Shoreline fellowship. Funny side note, Shoreline is the church we both attended in college. 
We are still frantically searching for a new home. With the help of some family, we are looking to purchase instead of rent because it will be significantly less expensive. Rental prices in the area are very high, and there are not a lot of rental options. Twice we have driven up to Atascadero to look at homes, and have put in two offers that did not pan out. Last week we thought we had an awesome, inexpensive short term rental option, but found out yesterday that it is not going to happen. So, tomorrow we make the 2 1/2 hour drive again to look at some more homes. 
I look at the calendar and to me it seems that time is running out. We are moving at the end of the month and don't know where we are moving too. But, we are holding fast to what we know - that God has called us to Atascadero - and He will make a way. 
This morning I read Galatians 6:9 as part of my Bible study, and then received it in an email from a friend later in the morning:

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Sometimes I feel so weary. Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed by all the unknowns. It is hard when it seems like God is silent when you think He should be speaking. But the more impossible it seems to me, the more of a miracle it will be when He does provide.
So please continue to pray for us, that God would show us a place to live and that we will not be shaken through this continued faith journey. God is faithful, and He will provide!


Unknown said...

Amen Michelle, your faithfulness is His ability to bless

The Zufolo fam is praying for you

Hollie said...

I know you guys will find the perfect place for you. Hang in there! :)