Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Toddler's Mind

I've learned that toddlers make associations for everything. Like riding the train, twice Hannah has been on a train with Ali, once on Amtrak and once at the Underwood Farm. And now when she hears one blow it's whistle or (even better) sees one go by, she says "Ali, choo choo." It's very cute to hear, and you know it must have been a highlight of her life to this point. You can read about it here too.
The other association Hannah has made is in the bath. Whenever she is taking a bath, she asks for a cheeseburger. I'm really not sure how that one came about. It's not like she eats a lot of cheeseburgers, and she's definitely never had one while taking a bath. We still can't figure out the connection.

1 comment:

Geneva said...

Maybe she had a particularly messy one, and then you immediately put her into the tub?