Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My little girl is growing up! She started preschool last week, and absolutely loves it. I didn't have as hard of a time as I thought I might. It's still hard to believe we've officially entered the school phase. Even though it's only preschool two days a week, we have new activities in our schedule. I'm signed up to bring snacks for her class next week. Hannah had a coloring project to do before her first day (which, to my shame, we completed in 5 minutes in the morning before going to school). We had to think about how much school she would be missing while planning our vacation. And...fundraisers, which we haven't taken part in yet but I know they're coming. Anyone want some See's Candy?
As I mentioned, Hannah loves her school and asks to go back. She has a great teacher and we feel blessed to have the opportunity to give our social butterfly this experience.

Hannah with her coloring project. It's hard to tell in this picture but she really did color it.

This is the best picture I could get with my wiggle worm, blurry but at least there's a smile.

Hannah ran right in to her class and made a bee line for the play-dough.

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