Monday, June 2, 2014

Caleb Turns Two

This May we celebrated Caleb's second birthday! It's hard to believe two years have gone by already. On the other hand, with the occasional temper tantrums, it very much feels like we are in the twos. 

There is so much personality wrapped up in that little boy. He is funny, happy, loud, strong-willed, determined, loving, and so much more. 

Caleb loves trains, trucks, dirt, bugs, squishing snails, playing outside, food, giving hugs and kisses, Sesame Street, helping Daddy with anything and everything, tickling and being tickled, cooking in the play kitchen and bossing around the dog.

For his birthday I took the kids to the Santa Barbara zoo via Amtrak. They both very much enjoyed the train ride. 

Then of course at the zoo we had to ride the train there too. I promise they had fun, it was just close to nap time.

The happy birthday boy on his new trike. We had to keep reminding Hannah that the gifts were for Caleb and she needed to let him play with them first.

We had a small kid party on his birthday. Here he is eating off of Melody's plate
 Caught red-handed

And maybe someday we'll get happy family pictures where all of us are looking at the camera and smiling (with clean faces). This is the best we can do for now

Enjoying some cake and "I-ceam" 

We love you Caleb Samuel and enjoy watching you grow into the man God has made you to be!

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