Sunday, January 16, 2011

December 2010

I think this is my last post to be caught up on our family happenings. December, as usual, was a busy month. It was a really fun time though. Hannah was very excited about Christmas, and watching her excitement over every little thing (like Christmas lights in a store window) made me smile. We made an effort to impress upon her the significance of Christmas as a time to celebrate Jesus' birthday. She got the idea (I think), and along with it the idea of Santa as well. We didn't give her any gifts from Santa, or even teach her about him at home, but through school, store displays and TV she got her fill of info on him. So I'm not sure how to approach the issue for next Christmas. I'm sure Chris and I will discuss it again come December.

After Thanksgiving, Chris went duck hunting with his dad and grandpa. He brought home several ducks and tested out some recipes. Tucker was very anxious to try some.

Here is Hannah with a duck dinner. My picky eater wouldn't try any of it.

With all the rain in December we had to move our Saturday coffee date from Starbucks to our house. It's always fun to watch these girls play together and dress up.

The finished Christmas Tree. Both Hannah and Tucker wanted the ornaments this year.
Showing off her face painting.

This is Hannah in her preschool Christmas Program. The kids sang a bunch of songs, most of which we couldn't understand the lyrics, but it was still cute!

In all the December rain Hannah got to try out her new umbrella and raincoat that she got for her birthday.

On one of those rainy weekends we made a gingerbread house together.

Showing off one of her Christmas presents.

After Christmas, we had a lot of family come to visit. It was lots of fun, especially meeting Hannah's cousin Emily for the first time. Hannah followed my sister-in-law everywhere so she could keep tabs on the baby.

Hannah also got some quality time with Aunt Megan, playing the Wii dance game.
As I was going through all these pictures, I realized I didn't take any of our family together. Something I'll have to make a point of doing next Christmas.

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